Tuesday, January 15, 2013

5 Powerful Strategies You Should Use To Avoid Working Overtime

Let’s face it. No one likes spending long hours at office. However, what we do not realise is to what extent our own unproductive habits are to blame for it.  Given here are five pretty simple things you can do to speed up your daily work and spend quality time with your family.

5. Completely disconnect for 12 hours.
Yes, that’s your email, Facebook, phone, TV, laptop etc. It’s much easier to do it at a stretch at night. It may be difficult in the beginning but you’ll get used to it. What if it’s urgent? Well, frankly, it can wait. Because, there’s no point if you cannot sleep properly you’ll not be able to concentrate the next day. Instead spend quality time with family and friends, go to sleep early and yes, sleep for 8 hours at least.
4. Take a 15 minute break every 90 minutes.
The human body is not designed to sit for hours at a stretch. Attempting to do so inevitably creates aches and pains that leech your energy as your body tries to compensate and heal them. So get up and move! Get out of the building and get some fresh air.

3. Avoid meetings without an agenda.
Meetings can only be productive if people know why they're meeting in the first place. An agenda provides focus and purpose. The lack of an agenda guarantees meandering conversations that dive into rat holes. They're a waste of your (and everyone else's) time.
2. Never pick up on an unknown caller.
Unless you're working in telesales or product support, there's no reason why you should ever take a call from somebody you don't know. After all, when was the last time you took an unexpected call that was truly important? Days? Weeks? Months?
1. Do NOT Multitask. Focus on one thing at a time.
Do you use your cellphone while driving? Do you check your email or tweet during a meeting or a presentation? Well, if you want to use the cell phone while traveling, take a cab or the public transport. If the meeting or presentation is a waste of your time, take a ‘bathroom break’ and do more important tasks.

Bonus: Stop checking your emails, every other minute.
To satisfy one client, you’ll keep the others waiting. Even your boss will agree that’s a losing proposition!

If you really want to get things done, you need to focus on one thing at a time. Once you’re clear about that, find ways to avoid unproductive habits. As a bonus you get to Go home early and spend more quality time with your family.

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