
If I were to ask you ‘Who’s your favorite teacher?’, what would you say? Most importantly, what made that teacher so special for you?

My experience tells me, almost in all cases, the favourite teacher is one who has encouraged you in a positive way, someone who has believed in you and given you the hope that you could do much better than what you actually thought.

In many cases like the example I’ve given below shows, you may go so far as to say that your teacher is actually key to the person you have become today.

Don’t get me wrong. A teacher need not be anyone from your school or college. A teacher is one who has played an inpiring and transformational role in your life and is instrumental to what you have become today. 

In case of Aimee Mullins a disabled kid, that role was played by her doctor. This is her story.

Aimee was born with deformed legs that had to be amputated when she was 5 years old. As a result, she had to undergo rigorous physiotherapy sessions to build up her leg muscles in order to fit into prosthetic/ artificial limbs. A major part of the practice involved exercising with thick elastic bands innumerable times something the 5 year old Aimee absolutely hated. She was willing to do anything to get rid of those bands.

One day her doctor came to her and said, “Aimee, you’re a strong powerful girl. I think you’re going to break one of those bands. When you do break it, I’m going to give you a 100 dollars.’’

The doctor’s simple words of showing faith and confidence in little Aimee, completely ‘reshaped’ her exercise routine. The rigorous, boring routine that Aimee absolutely hated, suddenly looked like a challenging experience that she would look forward to doing everyday!

All the doctor had done was to reshape little Aimee’s point of view with ‘positive reinforcement’ by calling her strong and powerful.

She proudly recollects that, if it weren’t for the doctor positive reinforcement, she wouldn’t have become a beacon of hope for the disabled people and most certainly, wouldn’t have been invited for not one but two TED talks!  

As a training expert, I emphasize three strategies that can bring about a similar transformation to the work culture of your company. They are-

The 80/20 rule- Identifying a few things trainees could do right away to bring about the quickest change in the shortest possible time i.e unlocking empowerment!

Positive Reinforcement- Helping employees cope with the stressful environment by replacing negative behaviors with some positive ones- i.e Cognitive Behaviour Modification

Workplace Delight - Helping employees be more creative, happy and funny by adopting a more relaxed and positive attitude towards work and life.

I firmly believe a Google like employee engagement atmosphere is can become a reality in any company with even a small budget if the strategies I’ve suggested are properly implemented.

So how can my speaking benefit your company/institution?

You may benefit from my speaking engagement if you are interested in:

A Motivational Talk On Work/Life Balance
( I do a special working women only session as well)

Understanding Employee Engagement and/or Implementing a New Strategy

How the 80/20 Rule Can Unleash Performance, Profits and Innovation

Your company/institution could also qualify for my free speaking session as well. Just send a brief company profile and a short description of how you would like my talk to benefit your organization and we will get in touch with you.

Please send your requests to my email and be patient!

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